The average American... Oh, wait. 〈ding!〉 New notification. CNN: something about Taylor and Travis. Hmmm.〈ding!〉 And our dog food is out for delivery. 〈ding!〉A winter sales promotion of soap and socks. Whew...”(我有一些重要的信息。普通的美国人……哦,等等。<叮!>新增通知。CN...
12. (tr; often foll by back, down, off etc) to drive, push, or thrust 13. (tr) to arrive or finish before (someone or something); anticipate or forestall: they set off early to beat the rush hour. 14. (tr) to form (a path or track) by repeatedly walking or riding over it...
it is WINTER, and shockingly enough it is going to get cold out. School boards were so scared of getting bitched out (or sued; it is, after all, the American way) by parents, they were calling bad weather
When we ran a survey on American women ages 18-34, we found on average 20% were single. By extension you can conclude the average American woman those ages is single about 20% of the time. So around 9-10 months out of the year she's taken. But 2-3 months out of the year she'...
absurd for at least four reasons. ... it may be time to start a class action harassment lawsuit: American People v. Democrat Party, Mass Media, et al. We must not allow a small majority of powerful people in politics and the media to tell us what to think and who to support. ......
Even more sobering would be to look at American median incomes compared to the world median income. The top 1% of this country would look EVEN MORE absurdly wealthy. 0 Reply jim 5 years ago Reply to Syed That is what capitalism does for a country. If you work hard and take risk...
measurements that are fairly average for American men. There aren’t reports on the height of the man who currently holds the title for the world’s biggest penis, Mexico’sRoberto Esquivel Cabrera, but judging from thepicturesthat show Cabrera with his 18.9-inch penis, he doesn’t appear to...
We saw story after story in the media about how hard this was, and continues to be for the at-home dynamic American homes had worked with for decades. However, it seems as though there were some benefits to not making that daily commute to work. Benefits in the form of saving time by...
Researcherssay American children now eat an average of three snacks a daybetween meals. A study found that those snacks add up to almost onethird of all the daily calories eaten by children. And those extracalories could help ___21___the rise in overweight children in the United States. ...