Here is the average IQ by country, updated on January 1, 2024. This study is based on 1,691,740 people around the world who took the same test on this website in 2023. Countries shown in gray on the map were not included due to insufficient data....
Some of the highest IQ scores have been recorded in the range of 250 to 300, but many of these are disputed and controversial because of inconsistencies in the tests. Currently, Terence Tao, a Chinese-American mathematician is said to have the highest IQ in the world at 230. However, GIGA...
Of course, these figures are averages for each sector CTRs tend to be higher for brand searches and lower for generic searches. Note on data source: This chart is based on a sample of 4,595 North American-based LOCALiQ client accounts in the home services vertical who were...
Average Customer Retention Rate: Top Picks (2024)The average customer retention rate recorded over all industries is 75.5%. The media and professional services industries have the highest retention rate of 84%. The automotive industry and the insurance industry have an average customer retention ...
In the 2021-2022 NBA season, the average basketball player was 6'6" tall (198.6cm) which is about 8 inches taller than the average American male (5'9 1/2"), but still 13 inches smaller than the tallest player ever in the NBA, Georghe Muresan (7'7"). Interestingly, the average he...
Although the average height for NBA players has not surpassed its peak in 1987, it is still significantly larger than the average height of an ordinary American citizen. However, this shows that the NBA isn’t all about the height of the players anymore. Instead, scouts have paid more attent...
The average American isn’t prepared for the future. We don’t know about you, but we’re not content with being average. About a quarter of U.S. households have no money in their retirement savings, and of the families that havesomeretirement savings, only 40% think their retirement sav...
SOURCE: American Society of Anesthesiologists, news release, Oct. 19, 2024 Copyright © 2024 HealthDay. All rights reserved. SLIDESHOW Pain Management: Surprising Causes of Pain See Slideshow Related Article Pain Quiz: Test Your IQ of Pain Take the quiz to learn about muscle pain, joint pain...
Beyond difficulties with defining intelligence, the idea that those with a charitable disposition are more intelligent is just simply an incomplete claim. American social psychologist C. Daniel Batson has written extensively about "the empathy-altruism hypothesis," which essentially claims that when someon...