The average height for American women is 63.7 inches (approximately 5 feet 3 inches) and the average weight is 168.5 pounds, according to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There has been a significant increase in the average height and weight of American women since 1960 whe...
Average male height worldwide is usually measured in centimeters by doctors and scientists. The average male height worldwide is 5 feet, 8.1 inches (173 cm). The average American man stands just under 5 feet, 10 inches -- or about 5 feet, 9.7 inches to be precise (177 cm), slightly ...
The modal age at which American novelists reach their peak is 30 Medium (biology) a substance in which specimens are preserved or displayed Average Relating to or constituting the middle value of an ordered set of values (or the average of the middle two in an even-numbered set); The media...
It set the norm for American homes Mean Without dignity of mind; destitute of honour; low-minded; spiritless; base. A mean motive It was mean of you to steal that little girl's piggy bank. Average Amount to or come to an average, without loss or gain; The number of hours I work pe...
The American government was very interested in calculating vitamin content in soldiers’ rations using ultraviolet and visible (UV-Vis) light. These studies resulted in the commercial launch of UV-Vis spectrophotometers in the early 1940s. Because of VITAMINS (and World War 2)! Yeah, I still...
In truth I had never thought much about Miami or Florida. It’s Latin American that has beguiled me in recent years. What I didn’t expect was that Miami IS Latin America. As one local put it so eloquently for me: “Latin America runs up until Fort Lauderdale. That’s where the USA...
The rain gauge network in the Sinú River basin follows the pattern shown in most South American watersheds [13], i.e., the network is denser closer to the coastline and alongside the main river courses. One of the main reasons for this is how the populations are distributed in South Ame...