No, I wasn’t having a midlife crisis – in fact, it was always something that I’ve wanted to pursue since I hit 30 (but life happened, aka my two beautiful and amazing children were born). Years later, the conditions were right. My two children, then seven and nine, w...
1) At that age we are somewhat over the rush of getting life and family started so we have time to start looking up 2) At that age the kids are old enough to begin to appreciate what we can show them 3) We have gotten beyond earning just enough to care for the family Any others?
We tend to reach “peak net worth” in our early 70’s, otherwise known as the first few years after our typical retirement age. Then we draw upon those assets because we stop working full-time. It’s also when Social Security starts paying and that’s an income stream not represented ...
Money: The amount of money that one earns depends in part on how hard one works, but also on other factors over which one has less control, such as age or sex. One can compare the different influences on income. Answer a...
The average age when men die: 76 years old. The average age when women die: 81 years old Tap to play GIF Avery Pix / Via Source Advertisement The average number of deaths in the world today: approximately 155,000 Tap to play GIF BuzzFeed Motion Pictures / Via you...