Again, for reference on where a person may want to be at for retirement savings goals, the average 401k savings for someone between the ages of 30 and 39 in 2019 was $38,400. Average Savings by Age: 45 to 54 People between the ages of 45 and 54 had an average savings account balan...
Finally, we do have to make some assumptions about saving. Remember, net worth is all about assets minus debt. But income plays a huge role and how much income is saved and how much debt is paid off really makes a difference. For the "average" millennial, I'm going to look ataverage...
But remember that a pediatrician family still will have enough income that, if managed well, will provide a wonderful life during the career and still allow for retirement at traditional retirement age without ever feeling financially deprived. More information here: Financial Advice for ‘Low-Income...
We tend to reach “peak net worth” in our early 70’s, otherwise known as the first few years after our typical retirement age. Then we draw upon those assets because we stop working full-time. It’s also when Social Security starts paying and that’s an income stream not represented ...