What Is the Average Annual Return (AAR)? The average annual return (AAR) is a percentage used when reporting the historical return, such as the three-, five-, and 10-year average returns of a mutual fund. The average annual return is stated net of a fund's operating expense ratio. ...
city.udn.com|基于3个网页 3. 平均回报率 所谓5年内平均每年三成回报率或平均回报率(Average Annual Return),实有被过分简单化。试想如在05年投资一只由人气大户 … www.am730.com.hk|基于2个网页 更多释义
v.平均;平均是 adj.普通的;平均的;【商】按海损估价的 网络股票价格平均指数;平均数;平均数分布 复数:averages现在分词:averaging过去式:averaged 搭配 同义词 反义词 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. 平均,平均数 2. 【商】海损;海损费用;(给领航的)报酬 ...
average return 美 英 un.平均报酬 网络平均收益;平均利润;平均报酬率 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 平均报酬 例句 更多例句筛选 1. For thefirst85years,thiswouldhavebeenaveryuninterestinggamble, generating anaveragereturnofonlyaround2%ayear. 在起初的八十五年间,这场赌博会显得索然无味,年平均回报率仅在2%左右。
Average Return Example One example of average return is the simplearithmetic mean. For instance, suppose an investment returns the following annually over a period of five full years: 10%, 15%, 10%, 0%, and 5%. To calculate the average return for the investment over this five-year period...
Economic growth is expected to average 2% next year. 明年经济增长预计平均可达2%。 牛津词典 Class sizes in the school are below the national average . 这所学校班上的人数少于全国平均数。 牛津词典 400 people a year die of this disease on average . 平均每年有400人死于这种疾病。 牛津词典 Tempera...
Vanguard's bond fund lineup continues to grow, with new additions across various maturities. Tony DongFeb. 20, 2025 ETF With the Highest 10-Year Return Past performance is no guarantee of future results, but the 10-year return of ETFs can be a starting point. Marguerita ChengFeb. 20, 202...
If we assume that you would have received an annual return of 10% for a$1,000 investment, your investment would now be worth$13,780,612(compound interesthas a huge effect). But in real life,the value of your investment in the year 2020 is pretty much guaranteed to becloser to zero ...
That's a one-point decline from April of that year when it reached a record high of 718. Introduced in 1989, FICO scores range from 300 to 850. Despite the downtick, a 717 is still considered a "good" credit score (670 to 739). High interest rates and "persistent inflation" were...
AVERAGE(INDEX(B:B, LARGE(IF($B$3:B3<>"", ROW($B$3:B3), ""), 10)):B18) becomes AVERAGE(B3:B18) and returns 53.8 Step 6 - Return - if calculation returns error The IFERROR fucntion returns "-" if the formula returns an error which it does until 10 numbers are found in the...