Based on the daily lives of some of its regulars, the documentary "President Vargas, Biography of an Avenue" takes us on a walk along one of the most important streets in Rio de Janeiro. Based on the daily lives of some of its regulars, the documentary "President Vargas, Biography of an...
This article addresses the urban transformations that took place in the period and, from the point of view of religion, aims to map the spaces of sociability that disappeared with the opening of Presidente Vargas Avenue, one of the interventions of the period. As...
A HISTORICAL APPROACH TO AVENIDA PRESIDENTE VARGAS PROJECT IN RIO DE JANEIRO: CHALLENGES AND CONTROVERSIES TOWARDS A RESPONSIVE FUTURESix decades after President Vargas Avenue drastic urban surgery (1940-1944) for opening this main urban artery in the central area of Rio de Janeiro city, it still ...
This paper discusses disputes between engineers and architects during the building of Presidente Vargas Avenue in Rio de Janeiro (1937-1945). The engineers worked for the Secretary of Transport and Public Works and were in charge of the Director Plan for the c...
From the implementation of the bike path on Avenue Presidente Vargas, the safety of cyclists will increase. In addition, the correction of signs and the solution of problems related to accessibility when crossing the medians will result in greater safety for people with reduc...