——伯纳德·赫尔曼(Bernard Hermann)电影开局一首气势磅礴的The Avengers,打开了漫威十年布局的巅峰一役。在第一部电影《钢铁侠》上映10年后,漫威电影宇宙中众多角色在《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》集中登场,迎来第一阶段的大结局。美队出场其中美国队长出场的Help Arrives,是堪称复仇者联盟中最燃的一首主题曲The Avengers...
1920x1080 View Cool Endgame Wallpaper Gif"> Get Wallpaper 2160x1440 Avengers: Endgame Marvel with heroes HD wallpaper download"> Get Wallpaper 3840x2160 Avengers Endgame Pc Wallpaper"> Get Wallpaper 1280x720 Infinity War Marvel Computer Wallpaper"> Get Wallpaper 1920x1080 Avenge...
Okay, now that it’s just the rest of us, let me tell you about the ending of Infinity War. The Avengers fight Thanos, the intergalactic bad guy whose goal is to collect all six Infinity Stones and put them in this cool-looking metal glove. With the power from the Stones, Thanos pla...
If Professor Hulk hadn’t been injured from the gauntlet he could’ve easily stood toe to toe with Thanos. Although Hulk loses to Thanos inInfinity War, this movie’s version of Hulk shows the character at his peak. It’s possible that Professor Hulk could’ve let Thor wield the gauntlet...
Oh, it has its moments. An introductory action sequence that gives you an Avengers team working in harmony to dispense swift and precise justice. A villain at least as entertaining (if not as developed) as Loki. More guest stars than you can shake an Infinity Stone at. There’s a moment...
Let's recap: Back inAvengers: Infinity War, Thanos sacrifices Gamora to get the Soul Stone. Tap to play GIF But, she reappeares inAvengers: Endgame when Rhodes and Nebula travel back in time to 2014 to steal the Power Stone from Peter Quill. ...
In fact, we were clued into it last year when we saw Nick Fury page Carol in a post-credit scene in Avengers: Infinity War. Tap to play GIF Marvel We also learned in Captain Marvel that Carol modified a 1995 beeper into an intergalactic pager so that Nick could con...
1.Madame Hydra Needs to Make Her Move 2.Moon Knight Needs to Find His Place in the MCU 3.The Earth Needs to Address the Aftermath ofEternals 4.The MCU Needs to Sort Out the Defenders 5.Doctor Strange Needs to Return to His Universe ...
We know him, we love him, we missed his face after his incredibly violent death at the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War, where we all just kinda assumed he was (finally and officially) dead for good. Tap to play GIF Marvel Studios Advertisement However, with the releas...
BuzzFeed Staff Y'all, it has been like three weeks sinceAvengers: Endgamecame out. It has made more money than I even knew existed on this planet. If you haven't seen it yet, I honestly don't even know. Anyway, this post has spoilers. ...