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Step 4: Update AVCS Updates to the ENCs in AVCS are available free of charge online and on disc. Updates can be downloaded online using e-Navigator Planning Station (which is an integrated catalogue, holdings management, ordering and updating system). Contact your ADMIRALTY Chart Agent. All ...
For information on using FSDevTools in conjunction with Git, refer to the FirstSpirit online documentation. Usage Most of the information required to utilize the command line tool can be accessed through the integrated fs-cli help command. For detailed insights and examples, visit the command line...
AVCS Online Updating Service是UKHO的在线更新程序,简称AOUS,主界面如图九所示, 图九:AOUS简明使用步骤 1--导入Permit 2--更新CATALOGUE 3--选择更新的起始通告期数 4--ONLY显示LISENCE且需更新的海图 5--点击NEW REQUEST新命名一个申请,例如20161202SGP-NB ...
Voyager Fleet Insight’s AVCS Online module enables you to switch layers on and off and also set safety margins for contours and depths - just like ECDIS. View the chart information in an uncluttered way to get a broader view and switch on detail when you need it ...
For information on using FSDevTools in conjunction with Git, refer to theFirstSpirit online documentation. Usage Most of the information required to utilize the command line tool can be accessed through the integratedfs-cli helpcommand. For detailed insights and examples, visit thecommand line interf...