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年K 资金分布 单位: 万 净流入 1.40 100.00% 流入:1.40 流出:0.00 1.40 特大 0.00 0.00 大单 0.00 0.00 中单 0.00 0.00 小单 0.00 资金流向 实时日周月 整体 特大单 大单 中单 小单 市场投资机会 澳洲高息股澳洲高息股 代码股息率TTM股息TTM Origin Energy Ltd ...
0.565最高价0.545最低价2.50万股成交量0.545今开0.505昨收1.40万成交额0.70552周最高0.06%换手率8028.03万总股本0.46052周最低0.027每股收益TTM2364.38万流通值20.941历史最高20.93市盈率(静)4184.75万流通股0.127历史最低0.027每股收益(静)3.96%振幅0.06股息TTM1.70市净率1股每手10.62%股息率TTM ...
1935 Maserati 4CM 1948 DELAHAYE 135MS BY HENRI CHAPRON Current stock Latest movies Show more @autoveterancompanyon Instagram French and Spanish beauties are going well togethe Less than two weeks remain until @prewardays exhib Still related to previous post… when I was a kid ...
盛弘股份主营产品名称 SZ300693主营产品名称源滤波器(APF)、静止无功发生器(SVG)、三相不平衡调节装置(SPC)、动态电压调节器(AVC)、低压线路调压器(LVR)、不间断电源(UPS)、激光发生器电源、单晶硅炉加热电源、中小型储能变流器、储能变流器、储能系统电气集成、光储一体机、直流一体机、交流桩、480kW 超充分体式...
证券之星消息,根据天眼查APP信息整理,1月15日公布的《黄陵矿业店头电厂二期2×1000MW机组扩建工程第四批辅机设备(网络微机监控系统(NCS)、AGC/AVC)采购项目中标结果公示》中显示北京四方继保自动化股份有限公司中标。公告内容如下: 黄陵矿业店头电厂二期2×1000MW机组扩建工程第四批辅机设备( ...
The downside of the 83b election is you will have paid the taxes on the stock even though you may leave the company and not vest into any or all of it. That is the risk you are taking when you file an 83b election and you must consider that risk when you make the election. In ...
The first is the end of a period of rising interest rates that had sent the stock market and broader capital markets reeling. The second is the emergence of a new tech megatrend, AI, which has been developing in front of our very eyes for as long as I have been in tech, so that ...
Take high-speed street bashing performance to another level with the 1/7 scale ARRMA® INFRACTION™ 6S BLX 4WD RTR. Capable of 80+ MPH speeds out of the box over on-road, dirt, and oval tracks, it now includes a handbrake and Spektrum® Smart electronics. Key Features Spektrum...