But the brouhaha that he unleashed about women founders, women coders, and women hackers is a good thing because we ought to be having a broader conversation about these issues.Paul asks "God knows what you would do to get 13 year old girls interested in computers?" and that is a damn ...
So, for (A) traditional arts and humanities, (B) social sciences, (C) mathematics, (D) physical sciences, (E) engineering, (F) technology, (G) life 101, (H) business 101, have some good overviews and guidance.(3) Have some good materials; mostly select from what is readily ...
Master of Science in Medical Technology M.S.M.T 医技理学硕士 Master of Science in Nursing M.S.N 护理理学硕士 Master of Science in Social Work M.S.S.W 社会工作理学硕士 Master of Social Work M.S.W 社会工作学硕士 博士学位(Doctor Degree) Doctor of Arts D.A 文学博士 Doctor of Dental S...
good Internet service, good, not too expensive electric power, not horrible weather, and good infrastructure, say, schools, churches, hospitals, roads, retail outlets, FedEx/UPS service, okay to good in the arts, lots of forests and farm land, maybe mountains and/or lakes or an ocean close...
I am ashamed to say I used to be very good at math and science, to the point where I used to grade my peer’s work at the teacher’s request. I think the notion of wanting to feel like a normal teenage girl quelled this interest. I can’t imagine a 14 year old version of my...
(Bachelor’s in Industrial Arts — welding, tool and die making, welding, metal working, wood working, strength of materials, calculus, furniture making, brick laying, painting, etc.). Well, he did the finish carpentry. But for the rest, he hired a guy with some assistants. One of the...
So, instead of having more and more students boycott the arts for fear of debt.. we ought to bring the cost of arts down and raise the cost of courses that result in higher starter salary.There’s a mad push to be programmers/engineers, etc., and that makes sense.. but the societal...
says you either will be the person who tells the computer what to do or the person that the computer tells what to do.””A great sound bite but Marc’s view of the world has been totally colored by having the super successful experience he has had in the tech world while in college...