Avatar The Last Airbender Quiz by amazon Which Avatar character are you? by Mai :) What Kind of Bender Would You Be? by Madi What is GotoQuiz? A fun site without pop-ups, no account needed, no app required, just quizzes that you can create and share with your friends. Have a...
And never fear— even an actor who voiced a chi blocker has thoughts about what kind of bender she would be! ""The Swamp" with Hector Navarro" June 21, 2022 54 54 minutes Our old friend The Profector returns to settle into "The Swamp" with Janet! Hector and Janet try to do ...
what, is every fire bender suddenly indian?!!! most fire benders are as white as snow!!! A Fandom user·12/11/2012 Copy Link because m night thought it would be cool and he relates most with firebenders who destroy things that are good. like avatar A...
There are Waterbenders, Firebenders, Earthbenders, and Airbenders. In general, Benders keep to their own nations. For instance, Katara is a Water Bender from the Southern Water Tribe. (Image credit: Square Enix) One day while on their boat, Katara and Sokka find a young boy named Aang...
The NNT was calculated with Newcombe-Wilson 95% confidence intervals based on the criteria outlined by Bender (2001) and Newcombe (1998). The third effect size, the reliable change index (RCI), was also calculated following the method introduced by Jacobson and Truax (1991) adapted by Morley ...
Ursa: how did you get that scar, Zuko? Zuko: ... dad burned me in an Agni Kai Ursa: >:( -a while later- *crash* Ursa: HEY! Ozai: *shookethed* KorraxMako·9/4/2013 Is she a firebender? Teddybearlover·9/4/2013 no. Masterofthewise·6/5/2020 Not that it makes ...
Hejustdoesntwantyoutoknowthat. 让我父亲清空他的监狱 Letmyfatheremptyhisprisons. 派他手上所有的御术师来考验我 Sendeverybenderhehasatme. 我会烧死全世界的人直到他承认真hearts;相hearts;为止 Illburneveryoneintheworlduntilheadmitsthetruth. 什么真hearts;相hearts;? Whattruth? 我才是合适的人选 ThatImthe...
Jianzhu didn’t know what counted for wrath among Airbenders, but that wasn’t the issue here. “You’d ruin the Air Nomad test to make a child happy?” he said incredulously. “It’ll find its way back to where it belongs.” Kelsang looked around and paused. ...
Airbender v. Firebender- Concept Art by Josh Nelson Risks & Challenges So, what if we don't hit our goal? Well... We are still going to make the film with what we have. This has been something that we've always wanted to do so money shouldn't be something to stop us. But money...
makingskillstothetest? Aang:I...don’tknow.Afightoverchoresisone thing.Thesepeoplehavebeenfeudingfor100 years. Katara:Everyone,listenup!ThisistheAvatar! Andifyougivehimachance,I’msurehecan comeupwithacompromisethatwillmake everyonehappy. Aang:Uh...youcouldsharetheearthbender andtraveltogether?