阿凡达潘多拉边境 全程通关剧情流程 Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora 育碧巨献共计33条视频,包括:开场、弓箭 采集、到达反抗军基地等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
關於《AVATAR: Frontiers of Pandora™》 您是一個納美人,遭到被稱為 RDA 的人類軍國主義組織綁架,自幼受其訓練和栽培,成為實現其野心的工具。十五年後,您重獲自由,卻對故鄉一無所知。重新與失去已久的部落文化建立連結,探索身為納美人的真正意義,並且加入其他部落的行列,一同抵抗 RDA,保衛潘朵拉。
the RDA, you, a Na’vi, were trained and molded to serve their purpose. Fifteen years later, you are free, but find yourself a stranger in your birthplace. Reconnect with your lost heritage, discover what it truly means to be Na'vi, and join other clans to protect Pandora from the ...
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™ —Сезоннийабонементмістить:—Сюжетнийпакет№ 1: The Sky Breaker—Сюжетнийпакет№ 2: Secrets of the Spires—Додатковийквест: Знайомі відлуння—Набі...
Official Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Site. Protect Pandora. Become Na'vi. Available on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Ubisoft Connect (PC), and Amazon Luna.
Dark Future was Mod of the Month in November for the Cyberpunk 2077 community and has seen no signs of slowing down. I’ve been lucky enough to sit down with the creator of this mod, DarkFortuneTeller, to chat about their history with modding, their process working on this project and ...
Download Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora on PC with MEmu Android Emulator. Enjoy playing on big screen. Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™ is an action-packed, first-person adventure game that takes place in the open world of the Western Frontier of Pandora.
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™ se desarrolla en la inexplorada Frontera Occidental de Pandora. Eres na'vi, la RDA te secuestró y te ha entrenado y moldeado para cumplir con sus objetivos. Quince años más tarde, eres libre, pero te encuentras entre extraños en tu propio mundo. Conect...
画面极其优美,终于可以亲身踏上潘多拉星球,游戏性一般,游戏引导一般,没有第三视角其他的还好,四星推荐 2024-09-19 SuperLee (天津) 2024-09-02 xin (上海) 2024-08-27 这里跳个预言家 (上海) 美术很好看,体验是一坨】level一定是出了问题的,室内很多场景黑得像有bug一样看不到路,测试的时候没考...
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is an open world Avatar video game for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. It was developed by Ubisoft's Massive Entertainment studio, collaborating with Lightstorm Entertainment and 20th Century Games. It is directed by D