Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™ se desarrolla en la inexplorada Frontera Occidental de Pandora. Eres na'vi, la RDA te secuestró y te ha entrenado y moldeado para cumplir con sus objetivos. Quince años más tarde, eres libre, pero te encuentras entre extraños en tu propio mundo. Conect...
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™ ist ein Action-Adventure in der Egoperspektive, das im unbekannten Westlichen Grenzgebiet Pandoras spielt. Von der menschlichen Militärorganisation RDA entführt, wurdest du als Na'vi von den Menschen ausgebildet und geprägt, um ihren Zwecken zu dienen. Fünf...
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora’s First Story Pack, The Sky Breaker, Out Now Players who haven’t experienced the Western Frontier yet can also play a free trial of the main game.Read More June 8, 2024 Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora - The Sky Breaker Story Pack Trailer | Ubisoft ForwardWatch...
Official Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Site. Protect Pandora. Become Na'vi. Available on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Ubisoft Connect (PC), and Amazon Luna.
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™ is a first-person, action-adventure game set in the never-before-seen Western Frontier of Pandora. Abducted by the human militaristic corporation known as the RDA, you, a Na’vi, were trained and molded to serve their purpose. Fifteen years later, you are ...
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is an open world Avatar video game for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. It was developed by Ubisoft's Massive Entertainment studio, collaborating with Lightstorm Entertainment and 20th Century Games. It is directed by D
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™ è un gioco d'azione-avventura in prima persona ambientato nell'inesplorata frontiera occidentale di Pandora. Dopo il tuo rapimento e addestramento a opera della corporazione militare umana nota come RDA, hai dimenticato la tua origine na'vi e hai vissuto per ...
Buy Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora on PlayStation Store, a first-person, action-adventure set in the open world of the Western Frontier of Pandora.
Buy Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora on PlayStation Store, a first-person, action-adventure set in the open world of the Western Frontier of Pandora.
Players have not gotten the chance to complete or even start theAvatar: Frontiers of Pandorastory yet and Ubisoft is already at work selling additional post-launch “story packs” as part of the game’s season pass. Recommended Videos