the RDA, you, a Na’vi, were trained and molded to serve their purpose. Fifteen years later, you are free, but find yourself a stranger in your birthplace. Reconnect with your lost heritage, discover what it truly means to be Na'vi, and join other clans to protect Pandora from the ...
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Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™ se desarrolla en la inexplorada Frontera Occidental de Pandora. Eres na'vi, la RDA te secuestró y te ha entrenado y moldeado para cumplir con sus objetivos. Quince años más tarde, eres libre, pero te encuentras entre extraños en tu propio mundo. Conect...
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™ —Сезоннийабонементмістить:—Сюжетнийпакет№ 1: The Sky Breaker—Сюжетнийпакет№ 2: Secrets of the Spires—Додатковийквест: Знайомі відлуння—Набі...
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™ is a first-person, action-adventure game set in the never-before-seen Western Frontier of Pandora. Abducted by the human militaristic corporation known as the RDA, you, a Na’vi, were trained and molded to serve their purpose. Fifteen years later, you are ...
阿凡达潘多拉边境 全程通关剧情流程 Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora 育碧巨献共计33条视频,包括:开场、弓箭 采集、到达反抗军基地等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
Pre-order to get the Child of Two Worlds Pack (including gear and a weapon skin). In Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™ you'll embark on a journey across the open world of the never-before-seen Western Frontier. Reconnect with your lost heritage and di
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™ is a first-person, action-adventure game set in the never-before-seen Western Frontier of Pandora. Abducted by the human militaristic corporation known as the RDA, you, a Na’vi, were trained and molded to serve their purpose. Fifteen years later, you are ...
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™ is a first-person, action-adventure game set in the never-before-seen Western Frontier of Pandora. Abducted by the human militaristic corporation known as the RDA, you, a Na’vi, were trained and molded to serve their purpose. Fifteen years later, you are ...
AVATAR: FRONTIERS OF PANDORA™ PHOTO MODE CONTEST It’s time for a brand-new Photo Mode Contest for Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora!Read More July 16, 2024 1 Min Read Play Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora for free until the 28th of July! Become Na’vi, explore Pandora, and fight the RDARead...