Cameron believes the success of Avatar is the sum of its parts, and it can not be simplified to a single element such as its 3D or visuals or story. Cameron acknowledges that Avatar tells a fairly simple and easy to understand story, attributing its success to being able to be ...
Water. Earth. Fire. Air. For millennia, the Avatars kept these four nations in harmony by wielding and controlling all four elements, called “bending.” When one Avatar would die, a new one would be born into the next nation in the cycle, carrying the spirits of all the Avatars before....
Erlebe das epische Abenteuer der Originalserie Avatar: The Last Airbender neu, während du als Aang oder seine Freunde spielst und die Elemente beherrschst, die charakterischen Orte aus der Serie entdeckst, anspruchsvolle Rätsel der Umgebung löst und die berührendsten Momente aus Aangs ...
Willst auch Du dabei mithelfen, dieses Wiki noch besser zu machen und eine große Enzyklopädie über Avatar zu erschaffen? Dannregistrieredich jetzt kostenlos! Bitte beachte außerdem unsereRegelnfür das Wiki und dieEinsteigerhilfe für unerfahrene Benutzer. Falls du Fragen oder Probleme ...
Fantasievolles Geschenk für Kinder ab 12 Mit 4 Minifiguren, 2 Tierfiguren, baubarem Baum der Seelen und 3 Umweltmodellen mit Elementen, die im Dunkeln leuchten. Produktdetails Produkt-Bewertungen Ähnliche Produkte finden: Fantasy LEGO® Avatar...
3月 4日 週二 20:00 Beethovensaal at Liederhalle - Complex, 斯圖加特, 德国 AVATAR - Der Herr der Elemente 還剩6 張門票 對於該活動 在我們網站上 查看門票 3月 14日 週五 20:00 Gasteig HP8 - Complex, 慕尼黑, 德国 Avatar - Der Herr der Elemente in Concert 我們網站上暫時沒有門票 加入列...
Lightstorm had final say over any element within the game.[5] Jon Landau also mentioned that Frontiers of Pandora will have connections to Avatar 3 but did not elaborate how.[9] Paul Frommer, the developer of the Na'vi language, mentioned on his site Na' that he contributed to...
Shortly after they set up camp and ate, Yangchen slipped into the life of Avatar Gun and lamented to Mesose how humanity always squandered her help while resenting her for not doing more, before questioning why they had been blessed with an Avatar. Mesose - or rather, Kavik posing as ...
Aipaloovik † (E Puh Loo Vik) - Sakana's abusive father. Alaise † (Ah Lah See) - Palartok's ex-girlfriend who abandoned him and their son Tukkutok to protect their son. Amak † (Uh Mock) - Prince Tulok's cousin, who was assassinated by Senlin. ...
Avatar: The Last Airbender introduced the bending of elements in the context of the 4 basic elements. It also described a deeper meaning behind each type of bending. The show explained the nature of each element through bending abilities. We learned that to bend an element, you must replicate...