PhoneNumberSearchResult PhoneNumberSearchResultError PhoneNumbersModelFactory PhoneNumberType Zakoupeno Číslo_telefonu PurchasePhoneNumbersOperation ReleasePhoneNumberOperation SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersOperation SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersOperation Konstruktory ...
GetPhoneNumberSearchResult GetPhoneNumberSearchResultAsync GetPurchasedPhoneNumber GetPurchasedPhoneNumberAsync GetPurchasedPhoneNumbers GetPurchasedPhoneNumbersAsync StartPurchasePhoneNumbers StartPurchasePhoneNumbersAsync StartReleasePhoneNumber StartReleasePhoneNumber...
Lists the available localities (e.g. city or town) in the given country from which to purchase phone numbers.
Phone numbers differ broadly in characteristics and regulatory requirements. Through the /AvailableNumbers endpoint, every number is described by a set of attributes, grouped in four categories: capabilities (voice, sms, mms), geography, regulatory requirements, and pricing. With granular search filters...
This example searches local phone numbers in the United Kingdom. Sample RequestGET /search?type=phone-numbers&country=GB&phone-number-type=Local HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept-Encoding: identity User-Agent: aws-cli/1.16.170 Python/3.6.0 Windows/10 botocore/1.12.160 X-...
Azure.Communication.PhoneNumbers.dll Package: Azure.Communication.PhoneNumbers v1.3.0 Source: SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersOperation.cs Calls the server to get updated status of the long-running operation. C# publicoverrideSystem.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<Azure.Response> Upd...
SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResult public SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResult() Method Detail setNextToken public void setNextToken(StringnextToken) If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results. Parameters: nextToken- If there are additional results, ...
Pricing API: Phone numbers resource Messaging Voice Serverless Flex Studio All docs... SDKs Help SearchK Log in Sign up 1 // Download the helper library from 2 consttwilio=require("twilio");// Or, for ESM: import twilio from "twilio"; ...
800 Toll-Free Vanity Numbers, 1 800 Service, Available vanity 800 number, toll free phone service, 1800 Numbers and 800 Services. Obtain vanity Toll Free Numbers
voidsetE164PhoneNumbers(Collection<String> e164PhoneNumbers) List of phone numbers, in E.164 format. voidsetNextToken(StringnextToken) The token used to retrieve the next page of search results. StringtoString() Returns a string representation of this object. ...