AVADirect’s custom-built Mini Gaming PC packs some serious power inside its small, shock-resistant mini-tower. This compact gaming PC doesn’t come cheap, but the $2000+ price tag isn’t too bad considering some gaming rigs will cost you over $5000. Plus, the performance – it scored...
I don't presume to speak for AVADirect or really any of the boutiques, but this is a question that I've fielded a couple of times, because it boils down to the two extra cores on Gulftown plus the X58's dual full 16x PCI Express 2.0 lanes. In print, both of these just look bett...
AVADirect M570RU System Configuration Options It's not unusual to get a variety of component options when configuring a notebook, but AVADirect definitely goes the extra mile here. Depending on your familiarity with computer hardware, that can be either a good or a bad thing. We like hardware...
AVADirect is a custom builder best known for their gaming systems, but their server and high performance PCs make up the majority of their builds. Today we take custom to a whole new level.
At the core of the AVADirect X99 Gaming System is a top-of-the-line Intel Core i7-5960X, an octa-core processor with a 3GHz clock speed, and 3.5GHz Turbo Boost. Backing it up is 16GB of Corsair memory, accompanied by a pair of super-clocked EVGA GTX 980s in an SLI configuration...
AVADirect 推出多种 cpu 显卡类型的 Win10 定制服务这项经典的 DIY 服务在当今高度定制化的电脑趋势面前有种“反其道而行之”的 意味,但这又何尝不是现在用户最缺少的专业服务呢?如果你喜欢这些 AVA 电脑。▲大型机箱用户在选定了家用或商用后,首先选择机箱型号。共有小、中、大三种型号可 供选择,这些型号只是...
AVADirect定制电脑购买:点此进入官网 ▲大型机箱 用户在选定了家用或商用后,首先选择机箱型号。共有小、中、大三种型号可供选择,这些型号只是机箱本身的大小,与内部配置没有直接关系。换句话说,无论选择哪种机箱,接下来的配置选项都是一样的。 ▲硬件选择 ...
AVADirect’s Custom Gaming PC might not have the most inspiring moniker, but this blue beast pays homage to the old school of Performance PCs: powerful, imposing, and woefully loud. It also isn’t cheap, sitting at just over $6300 (as configured, as of 9/20/2010). Still, it’s righ...
【天极网笔记本频道】近日,AVADirect开始提供搭载英特尔下一代HM77芯片组的Clevo系列笔记本,新款Clevo笔记本型号分别为15.6英寸的P151EM/P150EM和17.3英寸的P170EM。 这三款笔记本都会搭载英特尔第三代酷睿处理器及NVIDIA最新的600M系列图形显卡,其中P150EM和P170EM笔记本背光键盘。
AVADirect has announced the new Omni VR desktop, which is built from the ground up for the full virtual reality gaming experience. For those in the know, the Virtuix Omni is a VR treadmill that has you more in the game than ever before, with an AVA Omni VR Desktop Series PC powering ...