This planet that we love has taken its share of licks in the ongoing climate fight. That’s why a year ago, Ben & Jerry’s partnered with the world’s leading online activist network, Avaaz, to help advance its mega, world-bettering petition for a100% Clean World(Opens in new window)...
New Disclosure Petition Now Up at• • • ••
the Middle East, but no worry - you are always welcome to make your own petition! And like anyone else, I can simply choose what to sign and what not to sign. I never got any spam from them. I have supported 7-8 causes without problems. I also supported monthly for 2 years, and...
On International Wolf Day (13 August), Avaaz launched a petition calling on the Environment Ministers of the EU Member States to ensure that wolves remain under strict protection. September 19, 2024Read More NewsAvaaz launched campaign to ban Israeli athletes on Jul 26th '24.The international ...
A visit from my great friend J--. We'd been out of touch for decades but one afternoon a few...Lezard, Nicholas