ABIO, G. Reflexoes sobre avaliacao formativa em um curso da Universidade Aberta do Brasil. Texto Livre: Linguagem e Tecnologia, v. 6, p. 1-17, 2013. Disponivel em: . Acesso em: 20 fev. 2014.ABIO, G. Reflexoes sobre avaliacao formativa em um curso da Universidade Aberta do Brasil....
The research took place in the context of a Mathematics Degree at the Open University of Brazil (Universidade Aberta do Brasil - UAB). It briefly presents the importance of developing more studies and research on the topic of Form...
in inter captura of reciprocal sensitivities, purposeful and in relation to the support programme where the child is inserted. It should have an imbricated effect on all livelihood areas of life, and/or only in one that we wouldnt be expecting; and in the end not only in the area we ...
OBJECTIVES: This case report illustrates the use of a modified C-palatal plate (MCPP) and fixed appliances to treat anterior open bite in an adolescent patient. CASE REPORT: The patient's main concern was that the front teeth were not touching. The or...