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Thank You For Having Such a Great Website, the Over haul Looks Great, I use your Website a few times Each Week, Mostly looking at your “KJV Bible Dictionary” But I use “SwordSearcher” Each Day, It is the Best Bible Tool I have ever Found! King James Rocks! Reply Brandon says...
KJV Dictionary C christian « christ chronicle » KJV Dictionary Definition: christianchristianCHRISTIAN, n.1. A believer in the religion of Christ.2. A professor of his belief in the religion of Christ.3. A real disciple of Christ; one who believes in the truth of the Christian ...
AV1611 Intro Verse Charts Blog Research Tools Thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. —Psalm 138:2, KJV KJV Dictionary C cross « crop crouch » KJV Dictionary Definition: crosscrossCROSS, n. G., L.1. A gibbet consisting of two pieces of timber placed across each other...
KJV Dictionary Definition: ivoryivoryI'VORY, n. L. ebur. The tusk of an elephant, a hard, solid substance, of a fine white color. This tooth is sometimes six or seven feet in length, hollow from the base to a certain highth, and filled with a compact medullary substance, seeming to...
KJV Dictionary B branch « bramble brand » KJV Dictionary Definition: branchbranchBR'ANCH, n.1. The shoot of a tree or other plant; a limb; a bough shooting from the stem, or from another branch or bough. Johnson restricts the word to a shoot from a main bough; but the ...
Contact the Editor Site Search KJV Bible Dictionary Online Text of the Bible AV1611 Forum Archives Freedom: God's Plan For Your Salvation Other Resources SwordSearcher Believing Study Bible Verses by Topic Nave's Topical Bible Bible Outlines More Links Our Facebook Page Our Youtube Playlist Web...
KJV Dictionary Definition: perfumeperfumePERFU'ME, n. L. per and fumus, smoke, or fumo, to fumigate.1. A substance that emits a scent or odor which affects agreeably the organs of smelling, as musk, civet, spices or aromatics of any kind; or any composition of aromatic substances....
KJV Dictionary N nine « night nineteen » KJV Dictionary Definition: ninenineNINE, a. Denoting the number composed of eight and one; as nine men; nine days.NINE, n. The number composed of eight and one; or the number less by a unit than ten; three times three....
KJV Dictionary Definition: punishpunishPUN'ISH, v.t. L. punio, from the root of poena,pain. The primary sense is to press or strain.1. To pain; to afflict with pain, loss or calamity for a crime or fault; primarily, to afflict with bodily pain, as to punish a thief with pillory ...