Try out the following practice exercise to find out how far you have understood the usage of auxiliary verbs in sentences. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate auxiliary verb: 1. Leena ___ eating an apple. 2. ___ you finish the work I ___ given you yesterday? 3. ___ ...
(will future) We can form short answers in any tense. Read more about short answers in English grammar.Auxiliaries with so and neither We use auxiliaries with so and neither to express agreement with a previous statement and avoid repeating the verb. The structure is as follows: so/neither ...
When learning Russian grammar, the only auxiliary verb that is explained is `быть`, which is used for forming the imperfective future tense. However, occasionally I have seen sentences where идти is used as an auxiliary verb. For example, I once saw the combination `идтигу...
Exercise on Modal Verbs and their SubstitutesChoose the correct substitute for each modal verb.We ought to win the race. → We win the race. I can swim. → I swim. You must meet my best friend. → You meet my best friend. ...
chapter 11 auxiliary verbs and modal verbs