3.辅助损失函数(Auxiliary Loss Function): -辅助损失函数是与主要损失函数一起使用的额外的损失函数。这些损失函数通常与模型的中间层输出相关,而不仅仅是最终输出。 4.网络架构: -辅助损失通常与网络的中间层输出相关联。这样,模型在学习主要任务的同时,也被要求学习中间层表示,以便辅助任务的优化目标。 5.正则化...
Loss 使用Cross entropy Auxiliary Loss Functions 作者构造了多个任务,然后对于每一个任务共享word embedding和BiLSTM。 对于每一个任务,使用不同的参数对BiLSTM输出进行映射和预测。 多任务的Loss Function为 构造多任务 Frequency:统计词在train set的频率,然后离散化 error type:数据集有更细致的错误类型,例如缺少限...
Intersection over Union (IoU) is a wildly adopted evaluation metric in this field, which is also used as a loss function to constrain training. To address the problem of IoU zero gradient under the non-overlap circumstance, most improved loss functions tend to change penalty terms while few ...
This function implements the loss function presented in equations (4) - (6) of the paper. It aims at penalizing cases where the routing between experts is too unbalanced. Args: gate_logits (Union[`torch.Tensor`, Tuple[torch.Tensor]): Logits from the `gate`, should be a tuple of...
loss Function, (具体公式可见原文章): i) 对heatmaps使用基于Gaussian核加权的 focal loss: 和CenterNet中使用的相似。 ii) 对深度估计使用基于Laplacian aleatoric uncertainty loss: depth regression: Z_{1*h*w} = \frac{1}{Sigmoid(g(F;\theta^{Z})[0]) + \epsilon} - 1 使用Laplace distributio...
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SuperNICs that support Socket Direct can function as separate x16 PCIe cards.Down Stream Port (DSP) The ConnectX-8 SuperNIC with downstream port extension option provides connectivity to the server backplane or PCIe switch through the MCIO connector. The default PCI interface is x4 x 4 to ...
[BRANCH busnum1 busnum2 ckt] MVAR MVA CalculateLossSense (FunctionType); NONE ISLAND AREA AREASA SELECTED CalculateVoltToTransferSense ([transactor seller], [transactor buyer], TransferType, TurnOffAVR); same as above for PTDFs [P, Q or PQ] YES NO CalculateVoltSelfSense (filter); ...
Term预测。根据论文调研,本文基于经由一个term生成的aspect表示能够反过来预测term的基本条件,并定义了一个铰链损失函数(hinge loss function)来最大化Ofa和term语义相关性,同时最小化Ofa与句子中其他词的语义相关性 Aspect归一化。为了克服aspect嵌入训练过程中的冗余问题,本文添加了一个正则项,以确保aspect嵌入的语义...
where 𝜆𝐿1λL1 and 𝜆𝑝λp control the importance of loss. Through this auxiliary loss function, the auxiliary restoration network can assist in making Auxcoformer robust to weather conditions by jointly learning with it. 3.3. Primary Detection Network We employ a cross-attention mechanism...