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sa COLOMINES ].C., 1997.- High amounts of sulphur aminoacids in three symbiotic mytilid bivalves PRUSKI AM, FIALA-MDIONI A., PRoDoN R. ê:COLOMINES ].C., 2000.- Thiotaurine is a biomarker of sulde-based symbiosis in deep-seaJ.F. ReesF. ZalJ.P. ThoméOcéanis...
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Michel ParadisSerge BanonFranck GardeJean-Paul Nadeau7~e Congres International de Pyrotechnie du "Groupe de Travail de Pyrotechnie" and 25th International Pyrotechnic s Seminar Tome 1, Jui 7-11, 1999, Brest, France
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