AUV62-AT ASW系统是由世界各地的许多海军订购的。2016年6月,瑞典海军向萨博订购了一批未公开数量的AUV62-AT。交付计划于2019年底完成。2017年3月,萨博获得了一份未公开客户的AUV62-AT ASW培训系统订单。AUV-62 AT训练系统被美国海军(USN)首选用于外国比较测试(FCT)计划的评估。该评估是USN取代现有ASW培训系统战略...
AUV62-AT is highly flexible and can be launched from a ship or a submarine, as well as from shore. Launch and recovery of the training system are supported by a custom-designed docking device. The AUV-62 AT training system includes an AUV62-AT vehicle, signal generation and analysis syste...
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【据今日海军1月9日报道】瑞典国防承包商萨博公司宣布其今年将要向美国海军演示AUV62-AT反潜作战(ASW)训练系统。 美国海军将通过国外比较测试(FCT)项目对萨博的AUV62-AT系统和其现有系统进行比较评估。演示计划于2018年夏天进行,后续测试将在2019年进行。
The US Navy (USN) will conduct a three-month evaluation of Saab's anti-submarine warfare (ASW) training system in 2018. The demonstration will take place at the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC) in the Bahamas using the company's AUV62-AT, an artificial acoustic system ...
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