Download 'HKTDC Mobile' app atiPhone App StoreorGoogle Play Mobile Info Site Special airfares from Cathay Pacific & DragonairExclusive travel incentives for trade buyersVisa Application Assistance Service Cathay Pacific Airways, the home carrier of Hong Kong, together wi...
I am looking for true wireless stereo earbuds, smart beam projectors and mobile accessories. Up till now, I have found five potential OEM suppliers from Hong Kong and Mainland China and they’ll send me some samples. The quantity for our first order will be 4,000 pieces. It is good for...
Consumer upgrading, continuous innovation of mobile e-commerce, the rise of fashion demand, and the growth of buyer system... These changes have a profound impact on the changes in the consumer market. The “Impulses Showroom” exhibition area will continue to create a precise and efficient busi...
Consumption upgrading, continuous innovation of mobile business providers, rising tide of state and buying and selling system thriving. These changes profoundly affect the change of the consumer market. The "design power" exhibition area will continue to create a precise and efficient business platform ...
Smartphone Info Site - download HKTDC FAIRS at iPhone App Store, BlackBerry App World or Android Market; Mobile Info Site - visit; or SMS your email address to the following numbers respectively. Electronics Fair: (852) 6715 2015 electronicAsia: (852) 6390 0701 Inte...
LearningIDEAS 的技术与企业呼叫中心的路由系统非常相似,它允许基于知识技能的路由和匹配,在发生现实需求和特定问题时可以让一个用户与另一个相关的用户联系起来。与传统e-Learning系统相比,基于P2P思想的知识交流方案最大的不同就在于无需创建专门化的学习环境,也无需正式安排教学活动,就可以在学习者和他人之间提供知识...
Without ideas but to hazard a guess: A lass, a sad one, or a moody faery? For oft do thou bring thy peace to me. But that peace not for long and ever For I walk'd once in a hazy morn, Watching thy works of a master:
Fall Mobile Got a little one in the house? Why not make a mobile out of these leaf images to hang over the little one's bed? Print out two of every one of your favorite fall leaves clip art image, and have your kids cut them out and paste them back to back. Use a hole punch ...
actiTIME can be used both in-cloud (with security and back-ups guaranteed) and on-premise, as well as on laptop or on mobile devices via the actiTIME app. This is an amazing all-in one tracking, planning and estimating tool that your company will benefit immensely from. What’s more, ...