autumnleaveschordchordstutorialaccordion AutumnLeaves:anintroductiontoplayingjazzchordsontheaccordionByAlanZisman©2011–ideasbasedonnotesfromKatherynPetersenManyaccordionplayerslimitthemselvestothestandardchordsonthebassside:Major,Minor,Dominant7th,andDiminished,alongwiththerootnotebuttonandthecounter-bass.Thatworksfine...
魔鬼手速+小军鼓奏法 | 伍伍慧 - Autumn leaves 吉他谱演示 5752播放 已失效 已失效视频 22.5万播放 【Kazuhito Yamashita 山下和仁】 -油管搬运 2681播放 【唱歌教程】西安音乐学院教授耗时108小时讲完的流行音乐系统教学,整整一百集!三连拿走不谢!!! 1003播放 Fly Me To The Moon | Classical Guitar Cover...
I worked on the tree trunks a bit more and added a few dark touches in the background. The fallen log was finally painted, along with the small sapling in the foreground. The carpet of dried leaves were indicated with a brush and a sponge. Spattering suggested more forest debris and leav...