autumn crocus- bulbous autumn-flowering herb with white, purple or lavender-and-white flowers; native to western and central Europe Colchicum autumnale,meadow saffron,naked lady Colchicum,genus Colchicum- chiefly fall-blooming perennial cormous herbs; sometimes placed in family Colchicaceae ...
If you live in the UK you will immediately understand the reference in my title to Bonfire Night, which is the common term for the fifth of November. It is also known as Guy Fawkes Day or Fireworks Night and is the day the British remember the Gunpowder Plot, where Guy Fawkes was part...
The apparent second spring has come after the UK recorded an unprecedented(前所未有的) 10 months of above-average temperatures."Recent mild conditions and plentiful rain will have encouraged unseasonal plant growth, " John David, an expert said. "This summer caused quite a few plants to lose ...
Back on home soil ‘The Yeo Valley Organic Garden’ by Tom Massey supported by Sarah Mead brings the Yeo Valley Farm in Somerset to Chelsea, inspiring visitors to adopt organic gardening practices and put nature first. Their range of flowering plants reflects the understated charm of autumn, in...
UK 13 umbrella 6 umbrellas 3 under 1 underground 3 underwater 6 unfinished 1 unhealthy 1 unicorn 1 uniform 4 United Kingdom 26 United States 87 United States of America 87 Universal 1 university 4 unusual 25 unusual clouds 3 unusual sky 4 unusual view 2 Uppsala...
Dixter Road, Northiam, Rye, East Sussex, 01797 252878, 2 The Garden House More than 6,000 different species make up the densely woven tapestry of plants to be found in every part of this remarkable plantsman's garden. Many of them are autumn-flowering, covering ...
(pictured) much sought-after shrubs, especially for the back of a deep border where they can be used as a foil for pink and purple-flowering michaelmas daisies.EXPERT TIP: When planting, enrich the soil with plenty of organic matter and in spring re-shape the plant, cutting off the old ...
pounds 18.95 from Chris Bowers & Sons (01366 388752, needs flowers and colourful foliage when you can generate this intensity of colour with pernettya berries alone. They're available with pink, purple, dusky red and white berries and last well into spring...
Julier B, Huyghe C, Papineau J, Milford GFJ, Day JM, Billot C, Mangin P (1993) Seed yield and yield stability of determinate and indeterminate autumn-sown white lupins (Lupinus albus) grown at different locations in France and the UK. J Agric Sci 121:177–186 ...
Effects of Photoperiod and Temperature on Growth, Flowering and Fruit Yield in Annual-Fruiting Red Raspberry Cultivars (Rubus idaeus L.) Plants of the annual-fruiting raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) cultivars 'Autumn Treasure', 'Erika' and 'Polka' were raised in a phytotron under different tempe....