如果Word 找到相符的項目,InsertAutoText 就會插入自動圖文集項目,以便取代該文字。 如果 Word 找不到相符的項目,就會發生錯誤。使用Insert 方法搭配 AutoTextEntry 物件來插入特定的自動圖文集專案。範例這則範例會插入與選取項目周圍文字相符的自動圖文集項目。
AutoText in Word is the feature that displays helpful tooltips while you are typing text. If you press Enter when you see such a tooltip, Word will accept the suggested completion. For example, if you start typing the word “monday”, by the time you have typed “mond”, Word has a g...
如果Word 找到一个匹配项,InsertAutoText 则插入该“自动图文集”词条来替换该文本。 如果 Word 未能找到匹配项,将发生错误。将Insert 方法与 AutoTextEntry 对象一起使用可插入特定的自动图文集条目。示例本示例插入与当前选定内容相匹配的“自动图文集”词条。
To open the Quick Part Gallery, on theInserttab, in theTextgroup, clickQuick Parts.
In Ms Word document, text is auto selected and can't perform any task in word document. Even you can't write up anything or edit already existed text. PS:Microsoft 365 Subscription product Already tried this option as well ","kudosSumWeight":0,"postTime":"2022-07-26T03:03:58.5...
In Ms Word document, text is auto selected and can't perform any task in word document. Even you can't write up anything or edit already existed text. PS:Microsoft 365 Subscription product Alread... Yes it affect all documents, you can't edit the pre existed word files, also can...
In Word 2007, open a blank Word document, and then click the Insert Address button on the Quick Access Toolbar to select a name from your list. Click OK. Select the address, and then press CTRL + C. Click the Mailings tab, click Envelopes or Lab...
microsoft word has an option where if i set a code or word or abbr for a specific sentence that sentence is typed automatically and i do not have to type it again or copy paste it is there any option for text in indesign which i am unaware of?
In this Microsoft Word Tips & Microsoft Word Help page I will discuss building blocks components introduced in Word 2007 and provide a few tools for enhancing their use. Additional, I will address some enhancements/changes to building blocks in Word 2010 and 2013....
in Word 2010 (and not at all in Word 2007). In Word 2013 it works for any templates. Probably the superior method is memorable and unique entry names which can be inserted by typing 4 characters and pressing the F3 key. This works with AutoText in any template in any version of Word...