at com.thinkgem.jeesite.common.utils.excel.ExportExcel.main( Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot get best fit column width on untracked column0. Either explicitly track the columnortrack all columns. at org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.AutoSizeColumnTracker.getBest...
we must insert at least one sheet to the workbook. otherwise, Excel will say 'data lost in fi...
How to Autosize Columns when using PowerShell using excel objects How to backup application event log to .evtx file using powershell How to calculate file and folder count while excluding subfolders? How to call a batch file with parameters from powershell script How to call a parameterised bat...
ICell c3 = row.CreateCell(2);inti =0;foreach(DataColumn cellindt.Columns) { ICell iCell = row.CreateCell(i); iCell.SetCellValue(cell.ColumnName); iCell.CellStyle = styleHeader; sheet.AutoSizeColumn(i); i++; } } 开发者ID:wra222,项目名称:testgit,代码行数:20,代码来源:ExcelTool....
Remove(column); foreach (var remColumn in removedColumn) { if (!columns.Contains(remColumn)) { removedWidth += remColumn.ActualWidth; columns.Add(remColumn); } } removedColumn.Clear(); totalRemainingStarValue += removedWidth; } totalRemainingStarValue = totalRemainingStarValue - computedWidth...
EvenColumns EvenRows 事件 EventError EventFilter EventInternal EventLog EventLogFailureAudit EventLogSuccessAudit EventMissing EventPrivate EventProtected EventPublic EventSealed EventSession EventShortcut EventSnippet EventTable EventTrigger EventWarning ExcelWorksheetView ExceptionInternal ExceptionPrivate ExceptionPr...
we had been stuck for quite a while with npoi 2.6.0 because other package, which depended on Portable.BouncyCastle instead of BouncyCastle.Cryptography. But recently we were able to update to npoi 2.6.2. But suddenly we experienced an ex...
IModelTableColumns IModelTableNameChange IModelTableNameChanges IModelTableNames IModelTables IModule IModules IModuleView IMultiThreadedCalculation IName INames INegativeBarFormat Interior IODBCConnection IODBCError IODBCErrors IOLEDBConnection IOLEDBError IOLEDBErrors IOLEFormat IOLEObjectEvents IOLEObjects IOpt...
IModelTableColumns IModelTableNameChange IModelTableNameChanges IModelTableNames IModelTables IModule IModules IModuleView IMultiThreadedCalculation IName INames INegativeBarFormat Interior IODBCConnection IODBCError IODBCErrors IOLEDBConnection IOLEDBError IOLEDBErrors IOLEFormat IOLEObjectEvents IOLEObjects IOpt...
>> converting between Excel's system of expressing the columns width to >> pixels, determining the 'actual' width of the column, caculating now many >> pixels - how far and how large - to set the image and then converting >> this back into the co-ordinate systems values. Could be a...