But politics have thus far prevented the 2,000 lb. electric city car – which practically anyone could afford, since these typically sell for under $10k in the countries where they are available, such asChina– from being a car you can buy or usehere. This says a lot about the politics...
Some labor under the misapprehension that government is merely an instrument of “the people” and “represents” them, acting only insofar as “the people” have authorized. This is nonsense, of course – but it requires not allowing terms such as “the people” or “represents” to pass ...
It does not appear that Mugen is messing around under the hood, however, so the Mugen Insight may corner better, but it won't go any faster in a straight line or get better gas mileage.February 6, 2009: The Insight Is Again for SaleHonda Motor Co.'s brand-new Insight hybrid cars ar...
hardeners and clear coats 33 V Expand environmental management 10 Strengthen consolidated environmental management 10.1 Recertification of all TME operations accomplished with zero non-compliance issues 10.2 33 internal audits conducted 10.3 Software-system under development 9.1 Reduce the volume of purge sol...
So it has to go in favor of going under the knife and out the side. “Your birth is scheduled between 10:00am and Noon, The system will text you 10 minutes before your appointment so make sure you respond to that text or your child’s birthday will need to be rescheduled.” ...
UNDER THE HOOD Many automakers are paring down their engine lineups. For example, the Toyota RAV4 no longer offers anything but a small four (it used to offer an optional V-6). And of course, the Honda CR-V is still four-cylinder-only. ...
PS: Get an EPautos magnet or sticker or coaster in return for a $20 or more one-time donation or a$10 or more monthly recurring donation. (Please be sure to tell us you want a magnet or sticker or coaster– and also, provide an address, so we know where to mail the thing!) ...
Donnie was stupid enough to believe he was smart enough to handle it all, had it under control. Trump obeyed and wore the dreaded mask, total capitulation. Was never in control, got used and abused. A glutton for punishment. The ineluctable conclusion? Trump is an idiot just like the res...