The majority can be rendered equally enslaved, impoverished, stifled and miserable. But there will always be the controllers – who enslave and impoverish and stifle and make miserable the majority while they themselves enjoy the things that most people in societies not yet beset by the cancer tha...
People just went where they wanted, when they wanted – using the public right-of-way. These being the roads, which everyone had a right to use. Somehow, what had been a right transitioned into a conditional privilege, one granted by the same government that had the power to revoke it....
After seeing Honda’s hybrid prototype at the 1999 auto show in Detroit, I drove my Honda CRX (keeping my speed down to a gas-saving 55 mph) directly to my local Honda dealer and placed a deposit for a hybrid car that didn’t even have a name yet. A long 380 days later, my beau...
Such a car would be just-the-ticket for people who don’t need a highway-capable car or who might like to have a second car for short-range, low-speed trips in the city. And it would be just-the-ticket for dramatically reducing the “emissions” of the dread gas carbon dioxide, wh...
(usually climate controlled air conditioning), power windows and locks and automatic transmissions. These once-optional features have become de facto standard equipment, even in “base” versions of the lowest-cost cars. Which accounts for the fact that even the latter have become astoundingly ...
Instead, communists would openly advocate for general impoverishment,everywhere. They would – they do – tell the proletariat that material abundance and physical comfort are causing an environmental catastrophe. That the “climate” is “changing” . . . on account of average people driving privatel...
In other words cars that serve to liberate rather than enserf their owners – who actually do own them, as the cars are generally paid-for. What is wanted, of course, is more paying. Serially. Forever. Ge thee on the monthly revolving debt-service plan. Never own anything – and be ...