Autoruns for Windows 是一款先进的启动项管理工具,由著名的系统工具开发者Mark Russinovich和Sysinternals团队开发,它能够帮助用户查看、编辑和管理Windows系统中的自启动配置,包括启动执行的程序、服务、驱动以及Winlogon等设置,通过这款软件,用户可以更轻松地识别和控制随着系统启动而自动运行的项目,从而优化系统性能,确保安全。
AutoRuns for Windows 绿色中文版 电脑启动项管理工具由大眼仔发布。Autoruns for Windows 是 Mark Russinovich 和 Bryce Cogswell 开发的一款软件,它能用于显示在 Windows启动或登录时自动运行的程序,并且允许用户有选择地禁用或删除它们,例如那些在“启动”文件夹和注册表相关键中的程序。此外,Autoruns还可以修改包括:Wi...
如和使用Autoruns删除SCM Event logs Consumer 简介 Autoruns for Windows 是 Mark Russinovich 和 Bryce Cogswell 开发的一款软件,它能用于显示在 Windows启动或登录时自动运行的程序,并且允许用户有选择地禁用或删除它们,例如那些在“启动”文件夹和注册表相关键中的程序。工具/原料 Autoruns工具软件 方法/步骤 1 ...
We, of course, are talking about Autoruns, which is available for free from Windows Sysinternals. It monitors programs in your Startup folder and in registry keys, showing you the exact order in which those programs will run. You can also configure Autoruns to show Explorer shell extensions, ...
This utility, which has the most comprehensive knowledge of auto-starting locations of any startup monitor, shows you what programs are configured to run during system bootup or login, and when you start various built-in Windows applications like Internet Explorer, Explorer and media players. Thes...
Process Monitor, a utility for observing in real time file system, Registry and process or thread activity, receives a series of UI improvements related to the dark theme and general Windows 10 tweaks. Process Explorer v16.43 This update to Process Explorer fixes a memo...
To solve this problem, we needed to use an advanced Windows Sysinternals Tool calledAutoruns for Windows: Launch the program and look for the following tab:AppInit.This will basically tell you if a dll isunsignedor...
Windows 10: Windows 11: Windows 的右键菜单由分散在各处的注册表控制,不少用户有精简或者自定义右键菜单的需求。但无论是在不同应用中分别设置,还是手动编辑注册表值实际上都不太方便,Context Menu Mana...
Autoruns goes way beyond the MSConfig utility bundled with Windows Me and XP. Autoruns' Hide Signed Microsoft Entries option helps you to zoom in on third-party auto-starting images that have been added to your system and it has support for looking at the auto-starting images configured for...