5 minutos de aventuras de la bibliadoi:10.7202/057191arThis book presents 20 of the most popular Bible stories for children from 6 a 11 anos. Brief introductions set the background for each. Stories include: Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah, Babel, Abraham and Isaac, Joseph, Baby Moses, ...
La biblia de israel: torah pentateuco: hebreo - espaol: libro de beresht - gnesisThis work clarifies Biblical text through the oral tradition of Israel in order to facilitate the understanding and spreading of the word of God to all mankind. The original ...
Some of its features includes: * Directly from the best available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek text* Parallel design* Footnotes* Concordance to the NVI* Table of Weights and MeasuresZondervan PublishingVida Publ
Biblia: Sagrada Biblia (BAC), Biblia del Peregrino (Mensajero), La Biblia (La casa de la B.). * Fernandez Ranada A. (2013) Los cientificos y Dios, Madrid, Trotta.Alonso Schokel, Luis (1998), Biblia del peregrino III, Ve...