On first run, the Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo.ps1 script prompts to approve the required app registration permissions.The hardware hash is saved locally on the device in the directory C:\HWID with the filename AutopilotHWID.csv. The CSV file can then be used to import the device into an MDM ...
具有整合式 OEM 直接 API 的 OEM 或 CSP 也可以使用AutopilotDeviceRegistrationAPI 取消註冊裝置。 請確定TenantID和TenantDomain欄位保留空白。 注意 如果系統管理員透過 Microsoft 合作夥伴中心以外的其他入口網站註冊裝置, (MPC) 例如 Intune 或Microsoft 365 系統管理中心,則裝置不會顯示在 Microsoft 合作夥伴中心 ...
具有整合式 OEM 直接 API 的 OEM 或 CSP 也可以使用AutopilotDeviceRegistrationAPI 取消註冊裝置。 請確定TenantID和TenantDomain欄位保留空白。 注意 如果系統管理員透過 Microsoft 合作夥伴中心以外的其他入口網站註冊裝置, (MPC) 例如 Intune 或Microsoft 365 系統管理中心,則裝置不會顯示在 Microsoft 合作夥伴中心 ...
Apply the autologon registry entries either manually or via a script. For example: Windows Command Prompt reg.exe add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /v "AutoAdminLogon" /t REG_DWORD /d1/f reg.exe add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /...
Hi all, Within our organization, we’re implementing Microsoft Endpoint Manager to manage devices like laptops. The situation is as followed: laptops are currently unmanaged and we’re trying to... Hi Harm, the device group query is indeed like the one in your example. The device based on ...
Device registration into AutoPilot Deployment Service via Windows Store for Business or Intune* Create Azure AD Group (Dynamic/Static) Create an AutoPilot Profile Assign Autopilot Profile How to get Devices into Windows 10 OOBE Screen? To start the Windows AutoPilot process, you must ensure your Wi...
Script Path: - Profile Path: - User Workstations: - Password Last Set: 4/20/2019 12:57:35 PM Account Expires: Primary Group ID: 515 AllowedToDelegateTo: - Old UAC Value: 0x0 New UAC Value: 0x80 User Account Control: 'Workstation Trust Account' - Enabled ...
Install-Script -Name Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo PowerShell Copy Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo.ps1 -online -GroupTag "Autopilot-Devices" -Assign Next unit: Implement device registration and out-of-the-box customization Previous Next Having an issue? We can help! For issues related to this module, explo...
Install-Script-NameGet-WindowsAutoPilotInfo 如需如何使用腳本的詳細資訊,請參閱使用PowerShell從現有裝置收集硬體哈希。 若要針對 Windows Autopilot 問題進行疑難解答,請先收集記錄。 下列檔案適用於疑難解答相關問題: microsoft-windows-devicemanagement-enterprise-diagnostics-provider-admin.evtx ...