我正在尝试将我的python格式化程序设置为autopep8。它已正确安装,但从未在VSCode中作为格式化选项。"--aggressive", ], "editor.defaultFormatter": "autopep8然而,我不确定该为autopep8设置什么。editor.defaultFo 浏览53提问于2021-05-26得票数1 3回答 ...
This commit fixes the style issues introduced in 9e02e29 according to the output from Autopep8, Black, ClangFormat, dotnet-format, Go fmt, Gofumpt, isort, Ktlint, PHP CS Fixer, Prettier, RuboCop, Ruff Formatter, Rustfmt, Scalafmt, StandardJS, StandardRB,
This commit fixes the style issues introduced inde49208according to the output from Autopep8, Black, ClangFormat, dotnet-format, Go fmt, Gofumpt, Google Java Format, isort, Ktlint, PHP CS Fixer, Prettier, RuboCop, Ruff Formatter, Rustfmt, Scalafmt, StandardJS, StandardRB, swift-format and Ya...
Blackis not a linter but rather a code formatter that changes spacing and other cosmetic aspects of your source code without changing the behavior of your program. You should install it and use it no matter what Python...
代码语言:javascript 复制 Formatter autopep8 is not installed. Install? Source: Python (Extension) [Yes] [Use black] [Use yapf] 我一直点击“是”按钮来安装autopep8扩展,但是这条消息还是不断弹出。是否有一些技巧来配置VS代码,使这个扩展将永久安装,而我停止了这个错误?
def _format_script(script): try: import black formatter = partial( black.format_str, mode=black.FileMode(line_length=80) ) except ImportError: # use autopep8 for python3.5 import autopep8 formatter = partial( autopep8.fix_code, options={"aggressive": 1} ) return formatter(script) Example...
It may be a long time before we actually follow through with an autoformatter here though (just such a large codebase to try to do it all at once) banesullivan closed this as completed Sep 30, 2020 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign ...
Blockchain-based platform for intergalactic communication and collaboration. - style: format code with Autopep8, Black, ClangFormat, dotnet-format, Go fmt, Gofumpt, isort, Ktlint, PHP CS Fixer, Prettier, RuboCop, Ruff Formatter, Rustfmt, Scalafmt, Standa
我正在尝试将我的python格式化程序设置为autopep8。它已正确安装,但从未在VSCode中作为格式化选项。"--aggressive", ], "editor.defaultFormatter": "autopep8然而,我不确定该为autopep8设置什么。editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-pyt 浏览53提问于2021-05-26得票数1 ...
@brettcannon Also, shouldn VS Code and the vscode-python extension maybe give some feedback if the arguments to a formatter are incorrect? Member brettcannon commented Oct 17, 2018 @thernstig both of your issues are because of autopep8. The first one is basically autopep8 ends up with ...