然而,Black的风格较为固定,有时候可能会与开发者的个人偏好或团队已有规范产生冲突。相比之下,Autopep8提供了更多的自定义选项,允许用户根据具体需求调整格式化规则,从而更好地适应不同的项目背景。 另一方面,Yapf(Yet Another Python Formatter)是由Google开发的一款工具,它同样支持PEP8规范,并且具有良好的性能表现。但...
同样的也是使用pip来进行包的安装和管理,然后可以在命令行运行black --help查看帮助文档,整体而言跟autopep8还是非常类似的。[dechin@dechin-manjaro autopep8]$ black --help Usage: black [OPTIONS] [SRC]... The uncompromising code formatter. Options: -c, --code TEXT Format the code passed in as ...
autopep8 is what I would call a loose formatter. Its aim is fixing pep8 errors, not making the code uniform. If we take the two code samples above, in the Black section, they are both pep8 compliant so autopep8 would not change them. Because it only modifies code that is not pep8...
复制 [dechin@dechin-manjaro autopep8]$ autopep8--helpusage:autopep8[-h][--version][-v][-d][-i][--global-config filename][--ignore-local-config][-r][-j n][-p n][-a][--experimental][--exclude globs][--list-fixes][--ignore errors][--select errors][--max-line-length n...
同样的也是使用pip来进行包的安装和管理,然后可以在命令行运行black --help查看帮助文档,整体而言跟autopep8还是非常类似的。 [dechin@dechin-manjaro autopep8]$ black--help Usage: black [OPTIONS] [SRC]... The uncompromising code formatter. ...
This commit fixes the style issues introduced in 9e02e29 according to the output from Autopep8, Black, ClangFormat, dotnet-format, Go fmt, Gofumpt, isort, Ktlint, PHP CS Fixer, Prettier, RuboCop, Ruff Formatter, Rustfmt, Scalafmt, StandardJS, StandardRB,
swift-format and Yapf This commit fixes the style issues introduced in 26398cb according to the output from Autopep8, Black, ClangFormat, dotnet-format, Go fmt, Gofumpt, Google Java Format, isort, Ktlint, PHP CS Fixer, Prettier, RuboCop, Ruff Formatter, Rustfmt, Scalafmt, Standard...
Wing uses its own copy of autopep8 for PEP 8 style formatting. If you plan to use Black, Ruff, or YAPF formatting instead, then you must first install the selected formatter into the Python that you are using with your code. For example: ...
and Black. If you'd like additional tools, I also liked: Radon, Pyroma, and docformatter. I'm usingPython 3.12.0. I don't care for my linter to point out when I stray from the certain dictates in thePEP 8do...
def _format_script(script): try: import black formatter = partial( black.format_str, mode=black.FileMode(line_length=80) ) except ImportError: # use autopep8 for python3.5 import autopep8 formatter = partial( autopep8.fix_code, options={"aggressive": 1} ) return formatter(script) Example...