Autonomy in Higher Education - Towards an Accountability Management ModelAithal, P. S.P. M., Suresh KumarScholedge International Journal of Management & Development
(1997). Some Key Factors in the Promotion of Learner Autonomy in Higher Education. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 21 (2), 169-182.Garrigan, P. 1997. `Some key factors in the promotion of learner autonomy in higher eductation.' Journal of Further and Higher Education, Vol. ...
As higher education faces the challenge of new and diverse demand, with more and non-traditional students enrolling in courses, it seems difficult to find a way to keep the standards as the funds decrease and the budget isn't enough to hire new faculty. A solution to this challenge is to...
In recent years,the higher education in our country has initiated to cultivate and develop students' awareness and ability of autonomous learning,which not only poses a challenge for the students,but also demands higher requirements for college teachers' autonomy. This paper describes the research bac...
Higher education is a key economic and social priority in the global arena. Many countries have sought to advance reforms aimed at increasing access, promoting greater educational quality, and ensuring financial responsibility and sustainability. Often, strategies for achieving these aims are informed by...
Interventions have also demonstrated the feasibility of manipulating instructors' behaviors in physical activity and physical education contexts to become more autonomy-supportive through SDT-based training (e.g., Edmunds et al., 2008, Tessier et al., 2008). However, the interventions in the ...
Although eternally debated, the issue of autonomy in higher education is rarely analysed in its complexity. To address this issue, this article uses an analytical matrix which combines the distinction between substantive and procedural autonomy and the distinction between HEI governing bodies, academic ...
基于自主办学思想上产生的高校办学自主权,其价值追求的核心内容是学术自由和大学自治。 As an important managerial ideology in higher education, the autonomy in running a university advocates chan...
Measures supportive of institutional autonomy in higher education now need to be addressed. In particular, there is a need for legislative and regulatory reform, the establishment of appropriate accountability relationships, the development of leadership and managerial expertise at the institutional level, ...
than they were hitherto accustomed to.1. IntroductionThe relationship between autonomy and assessment could be termed ambivalent,mainly due to the paucity of research in this area, particularly in relation to EFLin higher education. Studies have focused either on speaking or writing, havebeen of ...