Ethical principles of autonomy for patients receiving care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU): A concept analysisdoi:10.31603/nursing.v11i1.10155Yulianto, PratamaAwaludin, SidikJournal of Holistic Nursing Science (JHNS)
His other books in ethics include Moral Responsibility in Conflicts (Louisiana State University Press, 1982) and Civil Disobedience and Political Obligation (Yale University Press, 1971). He is also co-editor of seven books, including Belmont Revisited: Ethical Principles for Biomedical Research (with...
in ethical dilemmas for the patient, the physician, and society. Resolution of these dilemmas requires a thorough understanding of the underlying principles that allow the clinician to make informed decisions and to offer considered therapeutic options to the patient. We argue in this chapter that ...
Ethical Foundations Ron Scott PT, JD, EdD, LLM, in Promoting Legal and Ethical Awareness, 2009 Autonomy Autonomy means self-governance. Respect for autonomy is based on respect for individual self-determination. In the health care delivery system, patients and research subjects have the right to ...
Principled Artificial Intelligence: Mapping Consensus in Ethical and Rights-Based Approaches to Principles for AI (SSRN Scholarly Paper ID 3518482) (Social Science Research Network, Rochester, NY, 2020); Milano, S., Taddeo, M. & Floridi, L. Recommender ...
网络当事人自治原则 网络释义 1. 当事人自治原则 第一是当事人自治原则(the Principle of Party Autonomy)。当事人自治原则解决了当事人和法官在决定诉讼的提起和诉讼的内容 …|基于 1 个网页 例句
The doctor-patient relationship should be established in ethical principles. The codes of conduct that guide the relation between the doctor and the patient are addressed to the physician (principle of beneficence and non-maleficence) or oriented to the patient (principle of autonomy). As such, in...
Using a clinical example of disrespect for patients' autonomy, the author underscores the importance of incorporating normative ethical principles in patient-dentist relationships. Respect for patients' autonomy sustains healthy boundaries between patients and the clinician. It underscores the importance of ...
The most problematic of all ethical principles for a medical point of view is the principle of autonomy. Perhaps the biggest reason for this perception stems from the way in which autonomy is interpreted to mean both the source of patient rights vis a vis the physician's fabled paternalism, ...
The term "autonomy" is now used frequently in ethical contexts. Beauchamp and Childress in their often cited Principles of Biomedical Ethics [8], for instance, refer to the principle of respect for autonomy as one of four fundamental principles in medical ethics. The general idea of respecting ...