In conclusion, symptomatic bolus-specific esophageal dysmotility is associated with vagal nerve dysfunction.doi:10.1007/BF00261280Olle EkbergDepartment of Radiology, University of Lund, Malmö General Hospital, Malmö, SwedenRolf OlssonDepartment of Radiology, University of Lund, Malmö General Hospital,...
Right palmar SSRs were evoked by electrical stimulation of the median nerve at the wrist. Results: The FM patients had higher rates of most of the chronic symptoms of FM. There was no significant difference in SSR latency and amplitude between patients and controls (p0.05). The patients with...
Autonomicnervedisorderisasyndromeofvisceraldysfunction. Thesymptomsofsexualdysfunctionincludingfunctionor function,digestivesystem,circulatorysystem,andmoreby psychosocialfactorsinducedbyhumanbodyphysiological functiontemporarydisorders,endocrinerelatedchangeisthe organizationalstructurecorrespondingpathologicalsyndrome. ...
autonomic-nerve-dysfunction网络自律神经失调网络释义 1. 自律神经失调 自律神经失调 (autonomic nerve dysfunction)许多患者在长期、慢性的压力下,反覆地出现失眠、头痛、头晕、恐慌、胸闷、心…|基于14个网页您要找的是不是 autonomic nervous function 必应词典应用 准确权威无广告去官网了解更多...
The dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system can be a kind of independent disease,also has various symptoms which can be seen in other kinds of diseases.When the dysfunction of the autonomic nerve happens,it engenders many complicated clinical symptoms which confused us to make accurate judgment...
Symptoms of autonomic dysfunction are one of the characteristic features of the clinical condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). In this study we examined the autonomic nerve functions in 1,099 patients with CFS and in 361 normal healthy controls. The autonomic nerve functions were studi...
Peripheral Nerve Disorders GérardSaid, inHandbook of Clinical Neurology, 2013 Autonomic dysfunction in peripheral neuropathy Autonomic dysfunctionmay be acute or chronic. Symptoms of autonomic dysfunction may be the presenting manifestation of peripheral neuropathy or detected only by systematic investigation....
1)autonomic dysfunction自主神经功能障碍 1.Aim:To investigate the prevalence,distribution ofautonomic dysfunctionin patients with Parkinson s disease(PD),and to analyze the relationship between these symptoms and disease-related characteristics.目的:评估帕金森病(PD)患者中自主神经功能障碍症状发生比例、各症状...
recently performed a pilot trial demonstrating that (VNS) may decrease clinical symptoms and joint inflammation in patients with erosive hand OA [38]. Moreover, non-invasive (VNS) also reduced sympathetic nerve activity in healthy humans [55]. Consequently, ANS-modulation by VNS may be useful ...
on the other hand sympathetic nerve fibers located in periosteum and bone may change osteoblastic activity. Vasomotor symptoms following menopause are a clear evidence, that estrogen plays a central role in ANS. Symptoms like hot flushes and night sweats present as a sign of sympathetic over...