www.allegromicro.com 7 A3981 Automotive Programmable Stepper Driver STEP No rise when D15=1 and D14=0 LM STRn SCK C J AB K DE SDI F SDO Z X D15 D15' X I D14 D14' X D0 X G D0' Z H Figure 1: Serial Interface Timing Diagram Key Characteristic A Clock High Time B Clock ...
AC00h DRN1- DRN8 = Open VDD=4.9 to 5.1 VDC SRC1- 8 = GND, DI = AC00h DRN1- DRN8 = Open VDD = 4.5 to 5.5 V -10 - -100 μA 10 - 100 μA -18 - -100 μA 2.7 - 3.1 V 2.5 - 3.5 V 12/35 DocID11319 Rev 12 L9733 Electri...
Radiated Emissions Equipment under test 2 Automotive Smart Fuse Reference Design Copyright © 2024 Texas Instruments Incorporated TIDUF43 – AUGUST 2024 Submit Document Feedback www.ti.com System Description 1.2 Key System Specifications SYMBOL VBAT Iout,max tcharge ISC tSC ILWU ISense Range Table ...
Symbol Table 20. Electrical characteristics - Pin "L" Parameter Test condition / Note Min Typ Max Unit VLSAT RonL Ipulldw,1 Ipulldw,2 Tfilt Tchk Twait VLHTh Lamp Driver saturation Voltage Isunk =300 mA Ron Lamp driver Pull down current Tj = 175 °C; Isunk = 300 mA - - Key-on...
The key benefit of Locktronics is that as students construct the working circuit, they can also see the corresponding circuit diagram. This helps students link theory to practice and simplifies the process of learning electricity and electronics. Locktronics can be used in a wide range of subject...
Now press the Ctrl key, the point snap option activates and select the point where it is required and give left mouse click. The routing is changed to that position. Using clips: Clips can be added if the wiring harness is fouling. 3.2.1 Options in Route Definition: Offset Management at...
www.allegromicro.com 7 A4980 Automotive Programmable Stepper Driver STEP STRn SCK C SDI F SDO Z X Key A B C D E F G No rise when D15=1 and D14=0 LM AB DE JK D15 X D14 X D0 X D15' I D14' G D0' Z H Figure 1: Serial Interface Timing Diagram Characteristic Clock High...
Resistive (soft) short-circuit–overload In a resistive short-circuit, the current through the low-side MOSFET does not reach ISD_LSD, but the temperature rises to the LS thermal shutdown level (datasheet symbol TTSD, typically 175 °C), causing the device to switch ...