In all the jobs, we use original spare parts, and we make it very easy for you, offering you both the possibility of picking up your car and delivering it to you repaired at home as long as you have a replacement car for as long as yours remains in our workshop. ...
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The Automotive Software Lead will be based in Shanghai. Flex’s Automotive team is seeking an experienced candidate who will undertake Automotive Software development & integration work for diverse kinds of complex automotive ECUs, including Autonomous Driving Computer, Zone Domain Controller & other com...
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In the fast-paced world of the automotive industry the Formel D Group offers outstanding jobs in the automotive industry.
► Take a Peek into Our Purpose Open Elektrobit Jobs Shape the future of automotive software With our software applied in over 600 million vehicles, we are doing our part in making future mobility a reality. > Read more Work around the globe Over 3,500 people with over 70 nationalities wo...
Our people’s storiesFrom R&D to engineering to supply chain management to sales and purchasing, Valeo offers jobs that are as diverse as they are rewarding. As we expand internationally, the recruitment opportunities and professional possibilities at Valeo are endless....
Jobs Is This Your Company? Claim Profile Automotive At Panasonic, our technology and engineering expertise delivers innovation across diverse industries. It's all about the consumer experience and making sure that we find ways to enhance that experience, either through audio enhancements or through...
Driving is a hobby that some people can appreciate turning into a career. The industry offers drivers a lot of opportunities. You can check for delivery driver jobs, car mover jobs, or even anRV transport driver job. These jobs always involve some kind of transport. You would be having fun...