(R) Recommended Practice for Pass-Thru Vehicle Programming NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Identification and Installation of Air Brake System Components Information Report for the Installation of Fluid Conductors and Connectors Power ...
27 R $2700 - DEVICE ID - - - Identification of the device Static value - never updated 001 Low end 010 Medium end 011 High end 70/216 DS11626 Rev 8 L9678P, L9678P-S SPI interface VERSN - - - Identification of the silicon version 000011 CB version other codes previous versions 5.2...
27 R $2700 - DEVICE ID - - - Identification of the device Static value - never updated 001 Low end 010 Medium end 011 High end 70/216 DS11626 Rev 8 L9678P, L9678P-S SPI interface VERSN - - - Identification of the silicon version 000011 CB version other codes previous versions 5.2...