Automotivesoftwareengineering:principles,processes,methods,and tools/JörgSchäuffele,ThomasZurawka;translatedbyRogerCarey. TranslationfromtheGermanlanguageed. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN100768014905 ISBN139780768014905 1.Automotivecomputers.2.Softwareengineering.I.Zurawka,Thomas. II.Title...
NXP automotive software tools, run-time software and customization services are designed to simplify and shorten the time required to build ECUs based on NXP MCUs
Why Choose Perforce Automotive Software Development Tools Modern automotive vehicles require hundreds of millions of lines of code to help ensure that they are safe and reliable. As the vehicles on the road continue to change, the need to develop safe, secure, and compliant automotive software will...
computer aided engineeringsimulationsoftware development toolIn this paper, software development support tools for automotive microcomputer application are discussed. These tools has been developed with important functions necessary for the software development of the automotive microcomputer based on the control...
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