thepassivesafetysystem,whereasradioandephonearepartofthemultimediasystem. Thecontinuingquantumleapsinhardwaretechnologyandperformancefacilitatetheimplemen- tationofmanyincreasinglypowerfulvehiclefunctionsbymeansofsoftware.Thesefunctions arereferredtoassoftwarefunctions. Theintroductionofpowerfulbussystems,suchastheCAN(Controlle...
3.5.1CANHighCANLow CANbusisacommunicationsystem,whichiswidelyusedinmodernvehicles.Acarmayhave2to3CANbus networks,bothhigh-speedandlow-speed.Thegeneralhigh-speedtransmissionrateis500k,whichisusuallyused forpowertransmission.Thelow-speedrateis250k,whichisusuallyusedformetertransmission.EachCANbus networkcanconne...
AN5878 Application note How to design a robust automotive CAN system Introduction Controller area network (CAN) communication bus is extremely popular in the automotive industry. On top of standalone CAN transceivers, many ASICs or SBCs embed one or several CAN transceivers. To comply with the ...
In terms of the EE automotive industry, several general observations can be made about how its position in GVCs/GPNs and the IDL in the automotive industry will affect its transition to the production of EVs. 4 In 2020, the USA was the fourth largest exporter of vehicles to the EU ...
By knowing the actors’ satisfaction regarding these aspects, the automotive industry can come up with better strategies for future adaptation to digital transformation. Eventually, it can be used as a Decision Support System (DSS) during the decision-making process for the different actors. The ...
The ESDCAN series improves the quality of protection of the high-speed CAN transceivers without hurting the capacitance budget and provides 4x PCB size reduction compared to conventional solutions.
It can orchestrate a real-size, telco-grade level, Kubernetes-based edge cloud infrastructure based on information gathered from a traffic simulator and performing fine-grained benchmarking and data collection. In addition to the performance analysis of the edge system, it also enables an in-depth...
An interface for transmitting messages between two bus systems includes a receiver device for receiving a message from the first bus system, a classification device for classifying
5 Summary The CAN bus is an interface that requires a very robust ESD protection solution to survive in automotive environments. Selecting the proper protection diode is an integral part of ensuring that the system is not only protected from high voltage transients, but also minimizes capacitance ...
system power control • Local wake-up support via the WAKE pin • Advanced CAN bus fault detection support • Defined behavior when unpowered – Bus and IO terminals are high impedance (no load to operating bus or application) • Protection features: –±58-V CAN bus fault tolerant ...