We also give necessary and sufficient conditions for every K-automorphism of such a subalgebra to be inner.doi:10.1016/0024-3795(93)90255-MSniaP.CoelhoLinear Algebra and its ApplicationsCoelho S P.The automorphism group of a structural matrix algebra.Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 1993...
Matrix-free iterative solution strategies for large dense linear systems A purely algebric approach to solving very large general unstructured dense linear systems, in particular, those that arise in 3D boundary integral applica... SA Goreinov,EET And,AY Yeremin - 《Numerical Linear Algebra with ...
A ghost algebra of the double Burnside algebra in characteristic zero isomorphism between QB(G,G) and a direct product of matrix rings over group algebras of the automorphism groups of cyclic groups of order k, where k ... R Boltje,S Danz - 《Journal of Pure & Applied Algebra》 被引量...
The first known use of automorphism was in 1862 automorphism 例句 1.According to the generator matrix of a linear code, automorphism group is studied. 摘要从线性码的生成矩阵出发, 研究线性码的自同构群. 2.In this paper, we define real form of infinite rank affine Lie Algebra and we also ...
GraphTheory AutomorphismGroup compute the automorphism group Calling Sequence Parameters Options Description Definition of Automorphism Group Details Examples References Compatibility Calling Sequence AutomorphismGroup( G , opts ) Parameters G - a graph.
Thus we can define on g, the Lie algebra of G, an involutive automorphism, θ, given by θ(X) = – X*. This automorphism is usually called a Cartan involution. 2.1.2 Examples 1. GL(n, R). GL(n, R) is clearly a real reductive group. 2. SL(n, R). Let SL(n, F) be ...
On automorphisms of Weyl algebra [6] A. LICHTMAN, On matrix rings and linear groups over a field of fractions of envelopingalgebras and group rings, preprint. Note: Best practice suggests putting the JavaScript codejust before the closing tag. OK. Modules, bim... L Makar-Limanov - 《Bullet...
1.Automorphism and Anti-automorphisms of Quantum Group量子群V_q(sl(2))的自同构和反自同构 2.Automorphic Expression of the Q-analog of the Virasoro Algebra;q-类似Virasoro代数的自同构 3.Automorphisms of Finite Groups Inducing Inner Autormorphisms of Integral Group Rings诱导整群环上内自同构的有限群...
3. Algebra Automorphisms of the Quanized Enveloping Algebra U_q(_sl_2) at Generic; 量子包络代数U_q(_sl_2)的代数自同构更多例句>> 2) automorphisms 自同构 1. Automorphisms of the Lie Algebea of Strictly Upper Triangular Matrices over an Integral Domain of Characteristic 2; 特征为2的...