Automorphism groups and the full state spaces of the Petersen graph generalizations of G32The geometric duals of the generalized Petersen graphs G( n, k) are the Greechie representations of the Generalizations of G 32. The duals are denotes by G ( n, k) and the generalizations by L( G ...
GraphTheory AutomorphismGroup compute the automorphism group Calling Sequence Parameters Options Description Definition of Automorphism Group Details Examples References Compatibility Calling Sequence AutomorphismGroup( G , opts ) Parameters G - a graph.
Define Automorphism group. Automorphism group synonyms, Automorphism group pronunciation, Automorphism group translation, English dictionary definition of Automorphism group. n the practice of seeing others as having the same characteristics as oneself C
Automorphism groups and the full state spaces of the Petersen graph generalizations of G32doi:10.1016/0012-365x(88)90092-1Gerald Schrag
We show that of these\ngraphs, only the Petersen graph is not hamiltonian.Dobson, EdwardGavlas, HeatherMorris, JoyWitte, DavearXiv
This paper considers connected, vertex-transitive graphs X of order at least 3 where the automorphism group of X contains a transitive subgroup G whose commutator subgroup is cyclic of prime-power order. We show that of these graphs, only the Petersen graph is not Hamiltonian.doi:10.1016/S0012...
Automorphism Group Edge Automorphism Edge-Transitive Graph Graph Automorphism Explore with Wolfram|Alpha More things to try: basketstitch tiling cylinder, radius=3, height=4 hessenberg decomposition References Holton, D. A. and Sheehan, J.The Petersen Graph.Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press...
Edge Automorphism Group, Edge-Transitive Graph, Graph Automorphism Explore with Wolfram|AlphaMore things to try: (15/9) / (3/4) CLXX to Babylonian interpolating polynomial calculator ReferencesHolton, D. A. and Sheehan, J. The Petersen Graph. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, p...