这台复刻版Biturbo借助碳纤维增加了车身刚性,配Brembo制动卡钳、18英寸轮毂及倍耐力P Zero轮胎;动力来自Ghibli S上的3.0升V6双涡轮增压引擎,重调后输出达到500马力/550牛·米,匹配ZF 8速自动变速箱,后驱,零百加速4.9秒,极速290km/h。按照Modena Automobili的计划,首车预计在2025年第一季度完成。
(625 kW)@ 8250 rpm 最大扭力:750 Nm @ 5500-8300 rpm 变速箱:序列式6速赛车变速箱/后轮驱动 煞车系统:Brembo CCM-R碳陶瓷通风盘 前410×38 mm,对向6活塞卡钳 后390×34 mm,对向6活塞卡钳 轮圈:前19吋后19吋APP铝合金锻造 轮胎:Pirelli P Zero slick version 前:275/675 R19 ...
Faster than a current Formula 1 race car in its 0 -100 km/h sub-two second sprint, and with 1,900 hp and 2,300 Nm torque on tap, the Battista will combine extreme engineering and technology in a zero emissions package. The Battista’s 120 kWh battery provides power to four electric ...
Your data may then also be processed in third countries outside the EU, such as the US, which do not have a corresponding level of data protection and where, in particular, access by local authorities may not be effectively prevented. You can withdraw your consent with immediate effect at ...
Keeping the authentic signature of the Alfa Romeo Giulia GTA, Totem Automobili reimagined its original silhouette by designing a Gran Turismo that stuns from every angle, making it available in three different models: the GT Electric, GT Super and GTA Mo