In VBA, Automation Error (440) occurs when you try to access the automation objects (objects that are used by other applications or programming tools). It’s a run-time error that can occur while running a code. As Microsoft says, there could be the following reasons that can make this ...
5. 選取Shared Add-in Support Update for the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (KB908002),如下圖: 6. 建置安裝專案 7. 便可以在安裝專案的輸出路徑中發現多了一個 KB908002 的資料夾,如下圖 8. KB908002 中有三個檔案,只要將這三個檔案複製到用戶端的電腦安裝即可。 關鍵字:COM Interop Excel VBA interac...
-2147287031 (80030009) Invalid pointer error. -2147287022 (80030012) There are no more entries to return. -2147287021 (80030013) Disk is write-protected. -2147287015 (80030019) An error occurred during a seek operation. -2147287011 (8003001D) A disk error occurred during a write operation. -21...
屬性'<attributename>' 無效: <error> 無法使用屬性,因為它沒有 Public 建構函式 屬性'Conditional' 只在 'Sub' 宣告中有效 屬性常數 '<constantname>' 不可以是指派的目標 屬性建構函式的 'ByRef' 參數型別為 '<typename>'; 不可以使用具有 byref 參數的建構函式來套用屬性 屬性建構函式具有型別 '<type...
The error is I was able to eliminate the error by writing DimshasWorksheetsetsh = Sheets("Template") sh.Visible =True perkin_warbeck Using a variable to reference the worksheet, as you've done in your workaround, is generally a good practice in VBA p...
The error is I was able to eliminate the error by writing DimshasWorksheetsetsh = Sheets("Template") sh.Visible =True perkin_warbeck Using a variable to reference the worksheet, as you've done in your workaround, is generally a good practice in VBA programming. ...
Office VBA Reference Access Excel Office for Mac Outlook PowerPoint Project Publisher Visio Word Language reference Overview Concepts How-to topics Reference User Interface Help Overview Dialog boxes Menus and commands Toolbars Window elements Error messages Overview A compatible ActiveX component must be ...
Instead, an error occurs that the code is not created. STATUS: WORKAROUND Choose one of these workarounds for this issue: WORKAROUND #1 You can perform the similar step on a computer running Excel for Windows and then copy the code t...
I have been going round in circles and am probably looking at the issue but can't see it anymore. I am creating a word document using two excel workbooks and a word template but I keep getting a Automation Error: The remote procedure call failed and it will stop on...
有些方法有「選擇性」參數。 在 Visual Basic 中,撥打方法時,您可以隨意省略。 不過,當您使用 Visual C++ 撥號時,必須通過一個特殊的 VARIANT,其 .vt 功能變數會VT_ERROR,而 .scode 功能變數會DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND。 那是: // VARIANT used in place of optional-parameters. ...