Automatically fill increment cells with formula Besides, you can use a formula to solve this autofill. 1. Select a blank cell and type the starting number into it, and then in the cell below the starting number, type this formula =A1+11 (A1 is the starting number, and 11 is the ...
The blank cells within the cell range will be selected. Type the text “Female”. Press CTRL + ENTER. This will Fill up the blank rows. Method 6 – Using the IF Function for Filling a Certain Number of Rows in Excel Automatically Steps: Type the following formula in cell D5 or in th...
5. Enter a number in cell A6 In Office 2011 for Mac, the formula =A5+A6 appears in cell B6, and it displays the result In Office 2021 for Mac, cell B6 remains blank. Note that the "auto-fill" doesn't work with fewer than 5 cells (e.g. A1 to A4). I can't believe that su...
at least on Office 2011!), it causes automatic fill-down of formulae in cells which I use when plotting on scatter charts so that blank cells do not appear as zeroes, but get filled in automatically when data are entered in adjacent columns. Other people have raised similar issues but non...
Excel for Microsoft 365Excel 2024Excel 2021Excel 2019Excel 2016Office for businessMicrosoft Office Use the Auto Fill feature to fill cells with data that follows a pattern or are based on data in other cells. Note:This article explains how to automatically fill values into other ...
Make VBA program so as to realize the auto fill record 方法/步骤 1 First of all,let's have an overview of one table sheet for arrange the daily task for one machine;2 The actual daily production record had been storaged in the database as down below;3 Let's copy the rows...
Drag the Fill Handle right up to the last column. You will get all your columns numbered 1, 2, 3. Case 3.3 – Using the IF, ISBLANK, and COUNTA Functions for Columns with Blank Cells We have cleared the column Smartphone from the data set. Steps: Enter this formula in the first cel...
Fill series of numbersIf you want to create a series of numbers quickly, the trick is simpleWrite the first value Write the second value Select the 2 cells Use the fill handle to extend the selectionExcel will extend the selection according to the step between the 2 numbers. Look at this...
How to Use Fill Series Functionality on Columns Step 1:Clickona celland enter thestarting numberof your series. In the example below, I have clicked on cell D1 and entered the number 20. Step 2: As next, you need toselect the cellswhere you want the rest of your series to be generat...
Re: Having Excel copy down cells automatically Maybe something like: Formula: Please Login or Register to view this content. You need to pre-fill as many cells as might ever be required. But then any row beyond the required number would return blank. Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel...